State of Chuck's Chances

The state of my chances to be hired by Adult Swim are good. For all of you who have just joined the cause and all of you who are thinking about joining the cause but think I have no chance of getting a job, and that I am a total nut, to date I have had three interviews with Adult Swim. My first interview was a phone interview. The woman who interviewed me had me on speaker phone, and every time I would talk she would shuffle papers in such a way that it sounded like she was snickering at me. My second interview with several Adult Swim producers went very well, I think. The jury is still out on my third interview with the creators of Squidbillies and 12oz. Mouse. I think it went well, but we didn't go have beers together after the interview. I sent them several writing and drawing samples, to which I had some positive feedback.
This is where you come in, you, my fellow citizens of the world, you, the people who watch TV, you who care whether or not a nice creative guy gets a job. You can tip the scales. You can load the deck. You can make this happen for me. Sign my petition. Write an email to Adult Swim. Run naked through the streets with "Hire Charles McCarthy," written across your chest, or better yet, tattooed. It really is crunch time, go time...right now! Reach deep down inside of yourselves and muster up the energy needed to click your mouse a couple of times and type in a few words. So, get on the phone and call your friends, (you were going to do it anyway) and tell them to call all their friends and tell them to tell them to tell them to tell Adult Swim to hire Charles McCarthy!
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