Happy Time
The movie "Our Time Is Up," a short film that my friend Pia Clemente produced has been nominated for an Oscar, which as some of you may know, is pretty major and exciting. I have a pretty strong feeling that she is going to win.
“Our Time Is Up”
A Station B Production
Rob Pearlstein and Pia Clemente
If you are putting money on the Oscars, bet on this film, but don't put too much money on it and them blame me later if you don't win.
Good Luck Pia!
“Our Time Is Up”
A Station B Production
Rob Pearlstein and Pia Clemente
If you are putting money on the Oscars, bet on this film, but don't put too much money on it and them blame me later if you don't win.
Good Luck Pia!
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