My Open Letter To Patrick Swayze

This is my open letter to Patrick Swayze. Feel free to repost it, and send it around, especially if Patrick Swayze is on your list serve.
Dear Patrick,
Let me introduce myself. My name is Charles McCarthy. You may have seen some of my other posts on Craig's List. Recently I have been campaigning to be hired by Adult Swim. I am writing to you for two reasons.
First, to tell you that "Road House" is an amazing movie. I am surprised every time I see it. I don't think that I am the first person to think this, and some studio exec will probably read this and steal my idea, but someone should make a sequel to "Road House," something like "Road House 2: The Next Day" or "Road House 2: More New Blood." You and Doc have been married for a while. She decides to go to Malaysia to help with the ongoing recovery efforts in the wake of the tsunami. You go with her. The town that you go to is a port whose local hotspot attracts tourists, locals, sailors, and to the chagrin of everyone, pirates. While the Doc is busy treating kids for malaria, you are treating Malaysian pirates to a butt whooping. I know it seems like a tall order for you to take on an entire gang of Malaysian pirates by yourself, so even though I know you could take them all by yourself, you get help from a local hot shot fighter with a rocky past similar to your own played by Erni Banks. I think it might be pretty cool if Billy Blanks, playing himself, stopped through the town on vacation and helped you out in one of the fights, but left quickly after the fight, telling you that you were crazy for staying and fighting Malaysian pirates.
Second, I was wondering if you could endorse me in my campaign to be hired by Adult Swim. You can write a small letter and send it to me, and I will put it up on my my blog and it would be great if you could sign my petition. I don't think you need to kill anyone with your bare hands.
Oh, and if you happen to know Zach Galifianakis, please let him know that I have a script that my friend Erni Crews and I wrote just for him that I really want him to read. Thank you for your time, and I can't wait to see "Road House 2."
Charles McCarthy
You know that no big company likes a bigot Alex.
you know, that Alex kid gets a little blue after hours. long live p. swayz!
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