Lots of news. LOTS! First, this kick ace t-shirt design was designed for me by Keith Dillon. I think he is going to have shirts with it on them for sale soon, and be sure to check out all his other interesting shirt designs here. Second, I had an interview with a reporter today from a pretty well read newspaper. They are thinking about doing a piece on me and my campaign. Third, Chez from Lonely Island sent me this encouraging email in response to an email that I wrote him asking for help:
"abso-fucking-lutely! you deserve the world mr. mcCarthy and I intend to give it to you on a gold-plated platter."
Thanks Chez. Please take over SNL completely.
Fourth, last, but definitely not least, I have another interview at Adult Swim tomorrow.
You guys are all great, keep up the good work. Now is not the time to rest. Keep your emails coming. Thank you all, especially you Alex C. You complete me, not in Jerry Maguire kind of way, but more of an evil-twin-yin-yang kind of way. You are the dark to my light, and that means something, so thank you.
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