Ah, greetings all. Apparently while I was off enjoying a lovely holiday, all hell has broken loose here. Everybody's favorite psycho, Alex C, has been stirring up the pot again and creating mischief.
Now, mind you, as self-annointed 'Provocateur General' of the campaign to get Charles hired on at Adult Swim, I am not necessarily opposed to a bit of muckraking. Au contraire. But it all depends upon whether one is the muckee or the mucker.
So our little Alex seems to be in the throes of a little jealousy tantrum. Perhaps he feels his job is being threatened. Or maybe he suffers from some sort of hormonal deficiency and cannot grow hair and the sight of Charles' throwback facial hair has touched upon a sore nerve.
Whatever the reason, he has taken it upon himself to go after Charles. "You vil follow ze RULES, seig heil!!" not realizing the well-placed irony of someone breaking with normal constraints and niceties in applying for a job with a group whose programming seeks to break the constraints of good taste and go outside the lines.
Ah, just look on in with concern upon his little fits of anger, stalking Charles across the web, seeking to defame him at every step in what amounts to a very unhealthy example of homoerotic fixation. It's ok, Alex. We understand. Come out of the closet, release your inner woman, whatever. These are brave new times and odds are that Georgia has progressed to the point where you won't be lynched for such things. There's places up in Buckhead that'll welcome you with open arms and provided the nurturing environment you so obviously need.
Hells yeah, man. Just put on the late Freddy Mercury's song "I've Got To Be Free", throw on a pair of women's underwear, and be the real you that's struggling to get out and manifesting its displeasure with being repressed by attacking total strangers in a prime example of misplaced self-loathing.
Do it. You have nothing to lose but your chains, although you may want to keep them just because fashion is all about accessorizing. Throw on a pair of stripper heels, hop on up to Buckhead, and all the rest will fall into place and you'll thank us later.
Stevie Z
Provocateur General
The views expressed in this post are not necessarily those of Charles McCarthy, Eli Lilly pharmaceuticals, Charles Manson, or paraplegic ducks nicknamed 'The Hammer'.
Now, mind you, as self-annointed 'Provocateur General' of the campaign to get Charles hired on at Adult Swim, I am not necessarily opposed to a bit of muckraking. Au contraire. But it all depends upon whether one is the muckee or the mucker.
So our little Alex seems to be in the throes of a little jealousy tantrum. Perhaps he feels his job is being threatened. Or maybe he suffers from some sort of hormonal deficiency and cannot grow hair and the sight of Charles' throwback facial hair has touched upon a sore nerve.
Whatever the reason, he has taken it upon himself to go after Charles. "You vil follow ze RULES, seig heil!!" not realizing the well-placed irony of someone breaking with normal constraints and niceties in applying for a job with a group whose programming seeks to break the constraints of good taste and go outside the lines.
Ah, just look on in with concern upon his little fits of anger, stalking Charles across the web, seeking to defame him at every step in what amounts to a very unhealthy example of homoerotic fixation. It's ok, Alex. We understand. Come out of the closet, release your inner woman, whatever. These are brave new times and odds are that Georgia has progressed to the point where you won't be lynched for such things. There's places up in Buckhead that'll welcome you with open arms and provided the nurturing environment you so obviously need.
Hells yeah, man. Just put on the late Freddy Mercury's song "I've Got To Be Free", throw on a pair of women's underwear, and be the real you that's struggling to get out and manifesting its displeasure with being repressed by attacking total strangers in a prime example of misplaced self-loathing.
Do it. You have nothing to lose but your chains, although you may want to keep them just because fashion is all about accessorizing. Throw on a pair of stripper heels, hop on up to Buckhead, and all the rest will fall into place and you'll thank us later.
Stevie Z
Provocateur General
The views expressed in this post are not necessarily those of Charles McCarthy, Eli Lilly pharmaceuticals, Charles Manson, or paraplegic ducks nicknamed 'The Hammer'.
Wow, methinks I touched a raw nerve...
Words cannot express my gratitude for your desire to be overlord of the internet and purging it of content you deem unfit. It's a very tall order and obviously, it's taken a toll on you. My god, man, step back and take a good look at yourself- all this bile and hostility can't be good.
Do something. Get a hobby. Get away from the damn keyboard and throw on some women's clothes or go to a stripjoint and get a lapdance. Something, anything just to give you a little perspective. Worry less about Charles and more about yourself and don't be so concerned with the "internets" or those doing the hiring at Adult Swim- they can take care of themselves.
Now run along and get on with you life, 'k?
To cop a quote from The Bard, methinks the lady doth protest too much.
For someone who claims not to give a fuck, you certainly spend a lot of time here on Charles' blog giving him grief and following him around the internet.
It makes one wonder....
Well, I guess you told us, eh?
It's nice to know that with all that's going on in the world today- a war in Iraq, terrorists threatening to blow the hell out of us, the city of New Orleans struggling to rebuild, that you've devoted your energies to this task. Really, we're flattered because as PT Barnum once said, there's no such thing as bad publicity.
So keep the home fires burning with the hateful and scathing comments because they spice things up around here. Oh yeah, and give us material to update the wiki for the DSM IV. Unless of course you're already featured.
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