Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Hello everyone. Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Stevie Z, self-proclaimed Provocateur General of the campaign to get Charles McCarthy hired by Adult Swim.

Why should they hire him? Let's just say that as much as we love the folks at Adult Swim to death, there are certain shows that are not all that strong. No names mentioned, but when a roomful of 30-something regressed stoners rocked off their asses on killer bud fail to find humor in it, that's saying quite a bit. We.... I mean they... found a dust ball dug out from under the couch by the cat more fascinating. And I'm telling you dawg, when you can't keep us them amused, your demographic has gone straight out the door and your advertisers will bolt, leaving you to fill in all those commercial breaks with anti-drug PSAs. Which, btw, are even more hysterical when you're stoned.

So why hire Charles McCarthy? Why the hell not? Good god people, look at his work. The man is a frickin' genius. It's sheer poetry on a level not seen since they shot Manson full of thorazine. Oh sure, you might look at his stuff and snort in derision, incapable of grasping the brilliance of it. But if he came to you five years ago telling you he had an idea for a 'toon based on a large fry, shake, and an indeterminate wad of meat, you would have sent for security. Now Aqua Teen Hunger Force is HUGE and you would be toasting him as a visionary and sacrificing babies in his honor.

But with certain other programs, not so much. We can do better. We deserve better. And Charles is the man who can deliver better.

Another reason to hire Charles. He's a desperate and dangerous man. He has made veiled threats and I suspect he may well have gone off his meds. If you use a jpeg decoder and scan several of his pics, you will see what I mean. I am begging you to please please please at least humor him until corraborating evidence gathered by the good folks at Homeland Security can be sent along. I understand that it will be accompanied by a super-secret Presidential Directive in honor of 1/13/02, the day when an Al Qaeda operative, disguised as a pretzel, attempted to choke the President to death during the NFL playoffs.

So you see, grave National Security issues are at stake here, and your failure to ACT NOW means that the terrorists have won. But there's still hope. Help us, Obi Wan. Help us.

Stevie Z
Provocateur General
The views expressed in this post are not necessarily those of Charles McCarthy, Eli Lilly pharmaceuticals, Charles Manson, or paraplegic ducks nicknamed 'The Hammer'.


Blogger Stevie Z said...

Dear Charles McCarthy Sucks,

Thank you for your recent correspondence. Your remarks have been passed up the chain of command and are currently being examined and dissected by our crack staff of trained sloths. From there they will be passed on to the room full of monkees with laptops in the hopes that they will either produce a work worthy of Shakespeare or a lucid response to your bile-filled ravings.

As for your personal wishes toward me, I've already got my one-way ticket to hell so pissing off any additional people at this point is pure fucking gravy to me.

Again, thank you for your comments and don't forget to check out our online gift shop where you can purchase a little something for that special woman in your life or your very own Pocket Buddy to help make those long lonely hours stuck in traffic on I-75 a little more bearable.


12:50 AM  

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