Monday, December 26, 2005

First, let me say Merry Christmas to everyone and also Happy Holidays. I hope you all are having a better holiday season than me.

Now to the good news. It seems like I might have a stalker. I am so excited! Like any stalker he seems confused about his sexuality, his intentions towards me, but is completely and totally obsessed with me. I am not sure what his name is. I hope it is something cute but nothing with three names. We all know what that would mean. Here is the letter he sent me via Craig's List:

"I've seen some desperate posters, but are in each town, in each section..annoying the shit out of everyone.If you can't get on it on your own, this may be the are simply very ANNOYING. I personally liked it much better when you worked for Liberty Curio. I watched your ebay auctions..some pretty ccol stuff..especially the horse fetuses in the tanks..weird. Oh and the guy that bought them, I looked at the kind of stuff he bought, I'm sure he was a serial killer or a wannabe, cuz he had some strange things he bought, but then you KNOW that. Give this 'Adult Swim' thing up Chucky..go back to Ebay and other endeavors..and PLEASE quit bugging us!
Peace dude"

Thank you stalker. You don't know how much it means to me to have a stalker of my own, and a good stalker who has been following me for a while, taking notes meticulously on my career. Please feel free to sign my petition, or chant my name while you run around naked in your basement.


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