Thursday, December 22, 2005

Several people have made known their belief that Time Warner and in turn Turner and again in turn Cartoon Network and hence Adult Swim do not care and will not care about my petition.

A person calling himself "psymon" wrote, "It's a novel idea, but you forget one thing, A petition means squat in the corporate world. Ted Turner won't hire you Charlie, tough luck.Move on to the next job."

Someone else calling himself "Patricmoses" said, "hey guy, hate to breakit to you but [as] dosent give
a rats **bleep** about you. or anyone for that matter."

This was my response to both of them:

"You are wrong. Why are you wrong? It boils down to a very simple and cliche saying, 'The customer is always right.' You are all Adult Swim customers, and if enough of you feel a certain way, Adult Swim will bend to your desires. This is why they actually look at the message boards every once in a while. If it was up to just one person, especially a person who has a history of being persnickety like Ted Turner, he could just decide that he was going to ignore everyone. A corporation won't do that, especially one that is publicly traded like Time Warner. A corporation that is publicly owned is inherently democratic."

Television networks do care about what their watchers think. If they didn't care about what watchers thought, their would be no ratings, no surveys, no focus groups to determine what to put on and when.

Help me out. Sign my petition or email Adult Swim and tell them to hire me.


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